"To reward Senator Lieberman with a major committee chairmanship would be a slap in the face of millions of Americans who worked tirelessly for Barack Obama and who want to see real change in our country," Sanders said in a statement. "Appointing someone to a major post who led the opposition to everything we are fighting for is not 'change we can believe in.'"
Independent Senator from Vermont, and Barack Obama supporter
15 November 2008
12 November 2008
CT Hypocrite
This guy was a Democrat. Then he joined the Connecticut for Lieberman Party. When you listen to how he contradicts himself you realize he's hypocrite enough to be a Republican. Just watch.
10 November 2008
05 November 2008
04 November 2008
03 November 2008
Conservative vs WackoRight
This man... a former Nixon and Reagan speechwriter... wrote down some of the things I have been saying for a long time:
Keep going!!
Yes a Landslide means a Huge mandate.
270 electoral votes is great... but we can do better... every state above that is a message to all our leaders all across the country... MANDATE FOR CHANGE... if Arizona voters go for Obama... if the popular vote goes 60 percent or more for Obama it will be a clear message to the world... the more the better... even in safe blue states, Get out the vote!! Keep Going. Just too more days!! :-)
Yes, WE CAN!!!
270 electoral votes is great... but we can do better... every state above that is a message to all our leaders all across the country... MANDATE FOR CHANGE... if Arizona voters go for Obama... if the popular vote goes 60 percent or more for Obama it will be a clear message to the world... the more the better... even in safe blue states, Get out the vote!! Keep Going. Just too more days!! :-)
Yes, WE CAN!!!
02 November 2008
"War on drugs" "War on terror" "War on Poverty" "Class warfare"... none of these things is really war, but we do fight. Poor people haven't been fighting lately. Not since they fell in love with Ronald Reagan, who told them America would be great again if we cut taxes "Across the board"... of course the rich made out like bandits. The rich haven't stopped fighting. They do it quietly with lawyers, lobbyists, massive campaign contributions... so our progress toward neo-feudalism has been distinct since 1980 [we are stratified like we haven't been since the 1920s] If our country is going to be strong and grow and continue to have dynamic entrepeurs we must have a strong middle class that can afford to educate huge numbers of our young people. For that we need MORE class warfare not less. We need the bulk of Americans to have the time and money to spend doing homework with their kids learning and growing and building families and communities. It takes a village and with everybody working two or three jobs, nobody is in the village. Nobody is with the kids at all. We need a HUGE middle class tax cut. NOT just the peanuts McCain is offering.
Do the rich pay too much?!?
Our grandchildren now owe 10 trillion dollars that reckless Republicans spent on Reagan's millitary build-up and Dubya's wars for WMDs which Sadam was gonna give to Al-Queda except he never had them in the first place. [Thank God we stopped that]... and McCain thinks Paris Hilton needs a tax cut. He is one of the few.

The full article is here:
The full article is here:
Paris needs a tax cut
The economic curse that the Borrow-and-Spend Republicans has put on your grandchildren is now rising at a rate of half a trillion per year [don't believe me. do the research yourself]... Who's gonna make up that deficit? Who is gonna pay for Dubya's War for WMDs? Paris Hilton? Or Joe the Plumber? Obama will give a much bigger tax cut to low income people like plumbers named Sam or Joe or whatever. McCain will give a much bigger tax cut to Paris Hilton. You decide.
Election Nightmare
Anyone who has used a computer in the last 20 years, knows how the things are UNRELIABLE, how they CRASH and LOSE DATA, anyone who has read a newspaper knows how computers can be hacked into and manipulated. ANYONE with a Brain would know that "electronic voting" is the worst possible thing to happen to democracy in our country for a century. Paper Ballots work great all over the world. They are verifiable, contestable, countable, recountable, every human in the USA has experience working with paper and pencil (many old and rural people have not used computers before and can be baffled). (Connecticut has a great system in place now). Probably the third great blunder of Dubya's Wacko Republicans was this electronic voting nightmare, which just about guarantees that all elections will be decided by the Supreme Court and not by counting the votes.
See article about Oprah getting fooled by the machine: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/brad-friedman/oprahs-vote-lost-how-you_b_140026.html
See article about Oprah getting fooled by the machine: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/brad-friedman/oprahs-vote-lost-how-you_b_140026.html
Republican Idiot
Another Right Wing Wacko... and this one is really dumb!!!
Don't Vote Republican. Don't let these people run this country anymore...
Don't Vote Republican. Don't let these people run this country anymore...
01 November 2008
Amazing Bill Kristol
This man is so dumb... he also led the fight AGAINST fixing our health care mess back in the early nineties... just watch:
and if you're still not convinced, read up on Bill Kristol on Wikipedia [here]. He is the leading wacko on the wacko right. He has been wrong about everything since he started speaking. It is amazing.
and if you're still not convinced, read up on Bill Kristol on Wikipedia [here]. He is the leading wacko on the wacko right. He has been wrong about everything since he started speaking. It is amazing.
Protect the 1st Amendment...
"According to Palin, what the Founders intended with the First Amendment was that political candidates for the most powerful offices in the country and Governors of states would be free to say whatever they want without being criticized in the newspapers."
full article here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/10/31/palin-criticism-threatens_n_139729.html
full article here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/10/31/palin-criticism-threatens_n_139729.html
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