In June 2002, President Bush spoke in Atlanta to unveil a plan to increase minority homeownership.
“We can put light where there’s darkness, and hope where there’s despondency in this country. And part of it is working together as a nation to encourage folks to own their own home.” — President Bush, Oct. 15, 2002
I often disagree with David Sirota, but this time he is DEAD ON. And the Orwellian Disinformation being foisted on the American public right now is really sick.
"Of course, she doesn't offer up a single study or "academic work" as any kind of proof, and yet, when I say her assertion is absurd, Fox News anchor Greg Jarrett starts laughing at me - as if my assertion that FDR's New Deal helped end the Great Depression is so fantastical as to prompt guffawing. Jarrett proceeds to state that historians "pretty much agree" that FDR prolonged the Great Depression, and resorts to insisting that he knows that's true because "it's in the books" - whatever the hell that means. Indeed, Fox wants...."
Another snippet from the same article about inept Republican destruction of our country:
"It was June 17, 2002, a day Mr. West recalls as “the highlight of my life.” Mr. Bush, in Atlanta to unveil a plan to increase the number of minority homeowners by 5.5 million, was touring Park Place South, a development of starter homes in a neighborhood once marked by blight and crime."
“The Bush administration took a lot of pride that homeownership had reached historic highs,” Mr. Snow said in an interview. “But what we forgot in the process was that it has to be done in the context of people being able to afford their house. We now realize there was a high cost.”
For much of the Bush presidency, the White House was preoccupied by terrorism and war; on the economic front, its pressing concerns were cutting taxes and privatizing Social Security. The housing market was a bright spot: ever-rising home values kept the economy humming, as owners drew down on their equity to buy consumer goods and pack their children off to college.
The Filibuster is not in the constitution. It is just a Senate rule. Senate rules can be changed. As the Republicans showed this week with the Auto Company bailout, a minority of Southern Right Wing Senators can defie the will of the President, the majority in the House and the Majority in the Senate who were elected by a majority of the American people, and throw 3 million Americans out of work, or whatever else they choose to block. A good democracy cannot work this way. It is time to change Senate rules and get rid of the filibuster forever. Call your Senator and tell him to vote to change Senate rules as soon as possible.
I used to wonder how anyone could become so vile... then I found out that Bill O'Reilly was beaten by nuns throughout his childhood. Feel sorry for him. Don't believe a word he says, but feel sorry for him.
Yeah, the Ayers thing was cute. Turns out that "Domestic Terrorist" Bill Ayers never even hurt anybody... wow was he dangerous! and that on top of the fact that Obama hardly knew the guy.
An up or down vote is the real way in a democracy.
The Republicans had better hope they don't change Senate rules to eliminate the fillibuster :-)) Cus the American people have turned on the wackoright. :-))
I especially love the WackoRight argument that "If Sadam were still in power this man would have been executed before he even left the building"... implying that the man is being treated very well, because... we are not brutal tyrants...
Since when is this our standard of behavior??? Since when does America say "Doesn't matter if he is brutally beaten in police custody for throwing a SHOE. We are a little less bad than one of the nastiest dictators in history. So get grateful you weasels" ??? That is not the American standard. George Washington set the standard in our war of independence, when he declared that no US serviceman will mistreat prisoners... America did not torture before Dubya and it will not torture after Dubya, and the WackoRight's consistently comparing our great nation to Sadam's brutality is disgusting.
Somebody please, give me one reason why Obama's chief of staff should not have phone calls with any and all governors of all 50 US states and other territories, etc.
The WackoRight has no idea how to begin to deal with the crises that America is facing... so they blabber on and on and on about Blagojovich... and Ayers... and... anything else that will keep people from noticing they have NO SOLUTIONS for our problems. Do NOT vote Republican.
Gov Rod B of Illinois should resign immediatly. "Innocent until proven guilty" is for criminal cases. Our elected leaders must be held to a higher standard. Anyhow there is no way he can do the job of Governor with all this going on around him.