18 December 2008

Better than Sadam...

I especially love the WackoRight argument that "If Sadam were still in power this man would have been executed before he even left the building"... implying that the man is being treated very well, because... we are not brutal tyrants...

Since when is this our standard of behavior??? Since when does America say "Doesn't matter if he is brutally beaten in police custody for throwing a SHOE. We are a little less bad than one of the nastiest dictators in history. So get grateful you weasels" ??? That is not the American standard. George Washington set the standard in our war of independence, when he declared that no US serviceman will mistreat prisoners... America did not torture before Dubya and it will not torture after Dubya, and the WackoRight's consistently comparing our great nation to Sadam's brutality is disgusting.

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