07 February 2009

Improvement in Our Senate

Call your Senator and request that he vote to remove Harry Reid as Majority Leader. He has failed in his post.
Some numbers that work:
202 225-3121

1 (800) 828 - 0498
1 (866) 338 - 1015
1 (877) 851 - 6437
1 (800) 459 - 1887

or go to www.CallCongress.org for a better list.

Do not write a letter. A letter takes months to get through the anthrax filters.
Do not email. Your message will never get through the spam filters.
Call and speak to a person. Be polite. Be brief. It works.


Anonymous said...

Yesterday, I went to the official web site of Olympia Snow and sent her a personal e-mail requesting, politely, that she give up quibbling and support the stimulus bill. I would like to think that since it was her web site, someone may have seen it and tallied it. About 12 hours later, Senator Snow agreed to be 1 of 3 Republicans to support the bill.

So what's your take on Harry Reid and who do you suggest replace him?

Thelonious said...

Who to replace Harry Reid? The most Rabid and Bad tempered Democrat in the Senate. I don't know who that is, but I want him. Maybe one of those Nasty women from California, Boxer or something. She even sounds like a fighter. :-))

Thelonious said...

And great work changing Olympia's mind. You da man!!!