10 March 2009

The Price of Freedom

But really let's think for a minute about Japan at the end of WWII... there were three really ugly incidents,,, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and the Firebombing of Tokio [which killed more people than the two atomic blasts combined]... about a million lives were lost and I don't know how many wounded and maimed for life, but let's say lots...

Democracy, rule of law, stable democratic institutions, principles of justice, one person one vote, etc. were established and allowed to grow after the Japanese defeat.
Was it worth it? If a slaughter like that could create what we call freedom [this is hypothetical I know], would we prefer it? or would we prefer tyrrany? our lives safe but our freedom gone? cowering under the iron fist of a despot? Maybe I would take the slaughter so that the survivors could live free and with dignity.

Bolton, or one of the Neocons who created the current diaster in foreign policy thinks that Obama is not taking the threat seriously and that maybe he will when the terrorists nuke Chicago... the crowd went wild with happiness [I guess they love living in terror]... but to me, if we get hit again, it will be a small price to pay for our civil rights. Civil rights are freedom. Liberty is the right to NOT be spyed on by your own government. If some of us die because we live in freedom and unafraid then that is fine. I will never support turning this country into a police state just because the right wing is chickenshit about the NEXT TERROR ATTACK. I will NOT.

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