15 October 2008

eratic but mavericky

McCain is a loose cannon (he says maverick, but it's not quite the same thing). He is eratic. He is dangerous. He is old, sick and half-dead already. He is wildly jumping from idea to idea and desperately hoping that nobody notices his policies are identical to Dubya's. He prays that the voters don't find out about his unstable eratic flipflopping on tax cuts for the rich, tax cuts for the corporations, his position on right wing extremists, his cozying up to lobbyists...

Even his friends say he is totally unpredictable. Even his good buddies from the Senate say that if he is elected we will be in for a wild ride. (source: Michael Kirk, the award-winning producer and documentary filmmaker, who made the film Choice 08 about the two candidates)

We cannot afford a wild ride. We need steady leadership. Obama-Biden.

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