30 October 2008

Who is Republican McCain?

Republican John McCain is just one huge question mark. We have no idea who this guy is. He says, look at my record... ok... let's look:
In 2000 he was against tax cuts for the rich. Now he supports them.
A few years ago he was against torturing people. Now he is in favor.
A few years ago he called Pat Roberston an agent of intolerance. Now he's his best friend.
Republican John McCain claims to fight against the corrupt lobbyists, yet he hires large numbers of them to do very powerful jobs, including Campaign Manager, and Head of the Transition Team.
Republican John McCain claims to fight against earmarks and pork-barrel spending and yet he nominates the Queen of Republican Pork to be Vice President.
Republican John McCain tells us for months that experience is critical to the job and Obama doesn't have it, then he nominates a beauty queen, historically the least qualified person ever to get that close to the Presidency.
Republican John McCain wrote a bill to liberalize immigration into the USA, then when it came up for a vote, he voted against his own bill.
Who is this guy?
What does he believe?
It is, I'm afraid, anybody's guess.

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