Some individuals get rich. Some individuals get poor. Some have about the same their whole lives. Government policy however isn't about that. It is about the country as a whole.
And [don't believe me, do the research yourself. you will find that it is all true] from 1932 until the early 1980's the gap between the rich and the poor was closing. More and more poor people were joining the middle class. More and more Americans could afford to own their own homes. More and more Americans could afford to send their kids to college. There was really a growing middle class. Maybe the rich didn't do so well. Maybe some rich families had to do without 10 servants and had to settle for only 5. Tough life.
Since Ronald Reagan took office the gap between the rich and poor has been increasing [the statistics are easily available from a wide variety of sources. go and find them if you don't believe me]. That means a smaller middle class. Sure... some bet correctly on the stock market and got rich. Others lost their jobs due to off-shoring. Some kept their jobs but with the prices of food, gas, higher education, and medical treatment skyrocketing, their salaries buy much less now. They are joining the ranks of the poor.
"Wealth transfer" is a funny name for it. But look at the reality. Long-term government taxation policies have a huge impact on our society. We have to ask ourselves.... "What kind of society do we want to be?" Do we want to have an upper class living in castles while the rest of us work as servants? Or to we want a strong healthy middle-class working hard to build our nation to even greater greatness?
Republican McCain's idea that the rich need even more tax breaks now... when our country hasn't even begun to pay for Dubya's War for the WMDs... is absurd.
Republican McCain's idea that the rich need even more tax breaks now... when they have already received trillions over the years from Republican Reagan and Republican Dubya... is just stupid.
Republican McCain's idea that the rich need even more tax breaks now... begs the question... Why tax the rich at all? Why should they pay anything? I mean, it's not like they are members of our society, right? :-)
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