“We can put light where there’s darkness, and hope where there’s despondency in this country. And part of it is working together as a nation to encourage folks to own their own home.” — President Bush, Oct. 15, 2002
Trailing handily in the polls to Democrat Larry Kissell, who nearly beat him in 2006, GOP Rep. Robin Hayes has become the latest to go the full Bachmann. Emphasis added:
He yielded the microphone to Representative Robin Hayes, who prefaced his comments by saying it was important to "make sure we don't say something stupid, make sure we don't say something we don't mean." Republicans, he reminded the crowd, were kind people. Plus, he added, the liberal media had shown itself eager to distort such remarks. With the crowd duly chastened and put on best behavior, he accused Obama of "inciting class warfare" and said that "liberals hate real Americans that work and achieve and believe in God."
Hmmm. Good work on, er, "not saying something stupid", Robin, old boy.
So if I understand correctly, this is Robinho's thesis:
Actually, rather than simply "going the full Bachmann", Hayes appears to have boldly gone where even Bachmanns fear to tread.
By the way, Hayes' Democratic opponent in this race, Larry Kissell, is a longtime textile worker, social studies teacher, graduate of Wake Forest University, father of two children, and a deacon in the First Baptist Church in Biscoe, North Carolina.
And in two short weeks, he will be the man who kicked Robin Hayes out of Congress on his ass, and brought decency and civility back to the political arena in the Eighth District."
From a NY Times article about Andy Martin:
'But an appearance in a documentary-style program on the Fox News Channel watched by three million people last week thrust the man, Andy Martin, and his past into the foreground. The program allowed Mr. Martin to assert falsely and without challenge that Mr. Obama had once trained to overthrow the government...
...When questions were raised last week about Mr. Martin’s appearance and claims on “Hannity’s America” on Fox News, the program’s producer said Mr. Martin was clearly expressing his opinion and not necessarily fact.'
So if I went on "Fair and Balanced" Fux News [there would also be a program called "Colmes' America" and not just "Hannity's wackoright view of America"] and said that McCain had actually trained in North Vietnam to undermine capitalism from within by becoming US President, nobody would question my facts, or my sanity, and when questioned about it later Fox News would just say that was clearly my opinion, right?
I especially love how McCain's spokesman on this CANNOT point out one OBJECTION the Republicans had to the bill. Like this or that provision was unwise. Paragraph 32 allows too much leeway to the .... What provisions in the bill were soo bad that the Republicans had to kill it? NONE. Their feelings were hurt, because the Speaker of the House said things they didn't like. Booooo Hoooo Hoooooo.
Rah rah. Four more years of Republican whining!!!